Q&A: ODNI’s Joyce Corell on Federal Supply Chain Security

Q&A: ODNI’s Joyce Corell on Federal Supply Chain Security

 Q&A: ODNI’s Joyce Corell on
Federal Supply Chain Security

Federal task forces and national security agencies are leading the charge for additional protections to the nation’s technology supply chain.


By: Elizabeth Neus

Jul 25, 2019


As more foreign-based IT companies are suspected of being influenced by malicious nation-states, Joyce Corell and the National Counterintelligence and Security Center lead efforts to detect risks to the nation’s supply chain.
Concerned about the possibility that overseas vendors could be introducing threats into the federal technology supply chain, the Trump administration has been taking steps to protect agencies from potentially risky products, including barring some products from the government shopping list. A law passed in 2018 also requires agencies to have supply chain risk management programs. Joyce Corell, assistant director for supply chain and cyber at the NCSC, part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, discusses efforts to minimize the dangers to the nation’s technology supply chain with FedTech.


Read more at FedTech.

National Counterintelligence and Security Center