First-response planners can gain insight into what might occur if terrorists employ one or more IEDs in their jurisdiction by considering key IED production and targeting factors and examining previous IED attacks. In IED attacks, terrorists can manipulate the most important factors that induce casualties and damage: These include quantity and type of explosive charge IED design and employment strategy, and inclusion of fragmentation items (ball bearings, nails, etc.).
Bomb Threat Stand-Off Evacuation Distances
Device | Distance |
Pipe Bomb | 70 ft/21 m |
Suicide Vest | 110 ft/34 m |
Briefcase/Suitcase | 150 ft/46 m |
Sedan | 320 ft/98 m |
SUV/Van | 400 ft/122 m |
Small Delivery Truck | 640 ft/195 m |
Container Truck | 860 ft/263 m |
Semi-Trailer | 1,570 ft/479 m |
Device | Distance |
Pipe Bomb | 1,200 ft/366 m |
Suicide Vest | 1,700 ft/518 m |
Briefcase/Suitcase | 1,850 ft/564 m |
Sedan | 1,900 ft/580 m |
SUV/Van | 2,400 ft/732 m |
Small Delivery Truck | 3,800 ft/1,159 m |
Container Truck | 5,100 ft/1,555 m |
Semi-Trailer | 9,300 ft/2,835 m |

Pipe Bomb/Pressure Cooker
Mandatory Evacuation distance: 70 feetPreferred Evacuation distance: 1,200+ feet
Severe injury/death

Person-Borne IED Suicide Vest or Briefcase
Mandatory Evacuation distance: 110 feetPreferred Evacuation distance: 1,700 feet
Possibility of building collapse, severe injury/death

Vehicle-Borne IED (Car)
Mandatory Evacuation distance: 320 feetPreferred Evacuation distance: 1,900 feet
Building collapse, severe injury/death

All personnel must evacuate
(inside of buildings and out)
Preferred area for evacuation of people in buildings and mandatory for people outdoors
All personnel in this area should seek shelter immediately inside a buiding away from windows and exterior walls. Avoid having anyone outside—including those evacuating—in the area

Anthrax is a serious illness caused by Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis), an encapsulated, spore-forming, large, gram-positive, aerobic (grows in the presence of air), nonmotile (unable to move independently), rod-shaped bacterium. It is primarily a disease of plant-eating animals (herbivores); cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and swine are the usual hosts. The bacteria grow within the host, and sporulation occurs when the bacteria are exposed to oxygen or adverse growing conditions. Virulent strains of B. anthracis produce a protective capsule, composed of poly-D glutamic acid, and two protein exotoxins (called the lethal and the edema toxins).

Complex Operating Environment—Hotel High-Rise
The physical characteristics of the estimated 52,000 hotels in the Homeland create a complex environment for emergency personnel responding to a call for service in the event of a terrorist attack. From chain properties to luxury resorts, hotels in the Homeland are diverse and may include multi-use facilities, restaurants, casinos, entertainment venues, and conference spaces. These characteristics, compounded by the fact that hotels are open and welcoming facilities with a large transient population, create complex challenges for prevention, security and response.